Chinese pay attention to find pain points, and pain points targeted therapy concept, such as acupuncture, massage and the like is this treatment. For the management team, the same need to find this pain point, and then cure, is the so-called: the pain is unreasonable, the general rule is not painful, and the pain point is the primary problem to be solved. For the sales department, the interests of customers can be said that every employee’s heart forever pain, no wonder someone said “Money is the source of power, but also the source of pain.” Therefore, on the basis of the system, how to manage the pain points of employees and get through the pain points is the key. The author’s company every two years to engage in a large-scale social welfare activities, need to find several partners, to win some resources on the help. In this regard, the staff is not interested in, because both the effort and time, not included in the performance. “The company engaged in public welfare activities, is to do public relations publicity, we can not catch, ah, but we have to feed their families. ” A similar trail is not fresh.