《城市管理学:美国视角(第6版)》戴维·R·摩根(DavidtR.Morgan)、[美]罗伯特·E·英格兰、约翰·P·佩利塞罗(John P.Pelissera)t著杨宏山ttt陈建国t译中国人民大学出版社出版城市是人类文明的结晶,是公共服务高度集聚的地理空间。早在2000多年前,古希腊先贤亚里士多德就指出,“城邦的长成出于人类‘生活’的发展,而其实际的存在却是为了‘优良的生活’。”上海世界博览会明确提出,“城市,让生活更美好”。城市之所以能够提升生活品质,
Urban Management: The American Perspective (6th ed.) David R. Morgan, [The United States] Robert E. England, John P. Pelissera, Yang Hongshan t t t translated by Renmin University of China Publishing House is the crystallization of human civilization, is a highly concentrated geographical space for public services. As early as 2000 years ago, Aristotle, the ancient Greek sage, pointed out: “The growth of the city-state has come out of the development of human life, but its existence actually is for a good life.” Shanghai World Exposition made it clear that “city, make life better ”. The reason why cities can improve the quality of life,