1 忌将军库与修理车间、储存油料的房屋混设。拖拉机、汽车应有专门的车库存放,如果因条件限制不能分开,可用砖石或土坯砌成的墙隔开,以防止万一发生火灾而蔓延。 2 忌将有故障或经常发生故障的拖拉机或汽车停放在没有毛病的车辆前面。车库内的车辆要停放整齐,以便出车及发生火灾时转移。 3 忌在车库内设置火炉。必须使用火炉保温时,火炉的炉门和出灰口应设在其它房间,用铁皮烟囱通过停放拖拉机的库房以保持温度。
1 bogey general warehouse and repair shop, storage of oil mixed houses. Tractors, cars should have a special garage, if the conditions can not be separated, can be masonry or adobe walls separated to prevent the event of a fire spread. 2 Do not park a tractor or car that is defective or fails frequently in front of a vehicle that has no problems. The vehicles in the garage should be parked neatly so that they can be taken out of the car and transferred in the event of a fire. 3 bogey in the garage to set the stove. Must use the stove insulation, the stove door and ash outlet should be set in other rooms, with a metal chimney through the parked tractor warehouse to maintain the temperature.