所谓不安全的保鲜膜,是用聚氯乙烯,也就是常说的 PVC 材料做的。PVC 是一种硬塑料,要将它拉成透明柔软的保鲜膜,必须要加入大量的增塑剂,好让它变得“听话”。如果这些增塑剂乖乖地留在保鲜膜里,也没什么问题。但关键是它会慢慢往外渗,人们管这个现象叫“出汗”。比如我们用的塑料台布,刚买来时又轻又软,可用了一段时间后会变硬发脆,就是因为让它变软的增塑剂变成了“汗”,慢慢“蒸发”掉了。PVC 也随之恢复了以
The so-called unsafe cling film is made of PVC, which is often said of PVC material. PVC is a hard plastic, to pull it into a transparent soft plastic wrap, you must add a lot of plasticizer, so that it becomes “obedient.” If these plasticizers obediently stay in the plastic wrap, there is no problem. But the point is that it will gradually infiltrate, and people control this phenomenon called “sweating.” For example, we use the plastic tablecloths, bought light and soft, can be used for a period of time will become harder and brittle, it is because it softens the plasticizer into a “sweat”, slowly “evaporate” off It’s PVC also will be restored