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今年10月,是《中国民族》杂志(原名《民族团结》)创刊50周年。50年来,《中国民族》杂志全程参与报道了中国共产党执行民族政策的伟大历程,完整地记录了中国各民族尤其是少数民族在50年时间里的社会发展史和中国民族政策史、民族理论的创建史、实践史,对于党和国家民族宣传工作做出了重要而特殊的贡献。为此,本刊特开设纪念专栏,邀请曾经在我社工作过的老领导、老同志及各族作者、读者撰文,回顾总结我们一起走过的风雨岁月,共谋发展、再铸辉煌。 This year in October is the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of “China’s Ethnicity” magazine (formerly known as “national unity”). Over the past 50 years, “China’s Ethnicity” magazine has been reporting on the great course of implementing the ethnic policy by the CPC and has completely recorded the history of social development and the history of Chinese ethnic policy in the past 50 years, and the theory of ethnic minorities in all ethnic groups in China, especially ethnic minorities The creation of history and practice history have made important and special contributions to the propaganda work of the party and the nation. To this end, we have set up a commemorative column to invite former leaders, veteran comrades and ethnic writers and readers who used to work in our society to review and summarize the years of wind and rain we have traveled together to seek common development and create greater glories.
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