随着市场个性化的药物来治疗某些类型的癌症不断增加,更多的人转向生殖医学(IVF)来解决生育问题,空运承运人看到这些个人量身定做的生命科学货品运输需求的增加,而且这类货品安排在专门的容器集装箱中,称为dewars,保持其有机材料在整个旅程中冷冻起来,同时这也是一个利基市场,因为都是高价值小批量的货物运输。按照DHL温度管理解决方案的全球管理者,以及DHL全球货运物流Life Con Ex单元
With the marketplace of personalized medicine to treat certain types of cancers increasing, more people turn to reproductive medicine (IVF) to solve their reproductive problems, and air carriers see an increase in the demand for these individually tailored life sciences products , And these are arranged in specialized container containers, called dewars, to keep their organic material frozen throughout the journey, and this is also a niche market, since both are high-value, small-volume shipments of goods. According to DHL global temperature management solutions manager, and DHL Global Freight Logistics Life Con Ex unit