175、307、983,这一组数据代表什么?熟 悉我军勋赏典故的读者会毫不犹豫地告诉你:这是我国、我 军在上世纪50年代授予中华人民共和国一级八一勋章、一 级独立自由勋章、一级解放勋章(以下简称“共和国一级勋 章”)的人数。笔者将在以下文字中为您记述“共和国一级 勋章荣获者”的授勋情况,并就此求教于健在的共和国一级 勋章荣获者和各位军制专家!
175,307,983 What does this group of data represent? Readers who are familiar with the military honor story will tell you this without hesitation: This is our country’s award of a medal at the People’s Republic of China to the People’s Republic of China in the 1950s, A medal of independence and freedom, a liberation medal (hereinafter referred to as “Republic Medal”). The author will be in the following text for you to record the “Medal of the Republic Medal winner,” the honors, and in this way to seek advice in the Republic of Medal of Honor winner and you military experts!