柬埔寨王国的诺罗敦·西哈努克亲王在1922年10月31日生于金边,他的父亲是柬埔寨当今国王诺罗敦·苏拉玛里特,他的外祖父是西索瓦特·莫尼冯国王,因此他本人联结了柬埔寨历史上著名的诺罗敦和西索瓦特两支王族。他毕业于西贡的夏斯鲁洛巴中学,在希腊文和拉丁文方面获得优异成绩。他又在法国索姆尔地方的骑兵和装甲学校留过学。 1941年4月23日,他继承了外祖父西索瓦特·莫尼冯的王位,同时继续向他所聘请的一批教授学习。第二次世界大战结束后,诺罗敦·西哈努克国王在1946年1月7日和法国签订一项临
Prince Norodom Sihanouk of the Kingdom of Cambodia was born in Phnom Penh on October 31, 1922, his father was Norodom Sulamarrit, now king of Cambodia, and his grandfather was Sisowath Monivon Therefore, he himself linked the two royal families of Norodom and Sisowat famous in Cambodia’s history. He graduated from Hasslulu Bagh High School in Saigon and achieved excellent results in both Greek and Latin languages. He again left the Cavalry and Armored School in the Somme, France. On April 23, 1941, he inherited the throne of his grandfather, Sir Sowett Monivon, while continuing to study with a group of professors whom he hired. After the Second World War, King Norodom Sihanouk signed a temporary with France on January 7, 1946