On what is design

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  Abstract: Design is a creative activity, an unprecedented activity. It can be conceived by stepping on the primitive form, or by inspiration and creativity. Everyone has a definition in mind. It's not so much a name for design as how design exists in everyone's mind. In my opinion, design is an innovative activity that combines visual experience with practical functions. Therefore, design is a convenient way for people to live or enrich some spiritual or material practical products in life, and eventually become a professional subject.
  Key words: design thinking, image, thinking
  Design is a creative activity, an activity that has never been discovered. It can be conceived by stepping on the primitive form, or by inspiration and creativity. Everyone has a definition in mind. It's not so much a name for design as how design exists in everyone's mind. In my opinion, design is an innovative activity that combines visual experience with practical functions. Therefore, design is a convenient way for people to live or enrich some spiritual or material practical products in life, and eventually become a professional subject. The reason for the design is to create new products to meet the needs of the public. What they like is that the biggest difference between design and art is that art expresses its own feelings, while design takes care of others'feelings and even sympathizes with others. However, there is identity between art and design. Art and design use inspiration as the medium, knowledge and storage as the assistant, so as to observe in real time, pay attention to the things around them, and find the creative points they need to create. Design is mainly innovation, mainly use function. Design is to do what the public likes, to create what the public expects, and then to some extent to serve the public, such as the population of the third world. Now, the world calls on designers to make products that special or vulnerable groups need, such as green design, minimalist design and emotional design. All style trends are advocated by contemporary design, so why design? I think design is a career that promotes the development of the world, from changing the appearance and practical value of small and medium-sized products in life to changing the quality of life of a country or even a nation. Design is a process of creative change. It can serve people's life, put people first and improve their spiritual taste. In addition, I would like to talk about the position and depth of design in the minds of designers or professional students. I had the privilege of watching an interview with Ten Talks. Ten famous designers described their design concepts and unique insights. After reading it, it had a great impact on me. I think the rest of us conclude with the shoulders of giants. Instead of focusing on defining design, it's better to see how successful people "live out design" in their lives.   I think it's safer and easier to pick apples on giants'shoulders. Designer is actually an ordinary profession. They just want to change or improve everything around them. They have to say that designers are different from other professions. Perhaps what I want to say is that designers are different in expressing what they want to express through aesthetics, creation or products. Maybe designers want people to think about what they want, or change their deep-rooted ideas. Therefore, as a designer, the most important thing is not to be bound by the secular. You are an expressor and a practitioner. You lose the root cause of the design, because what are you doing when you are a downstream boat? Being driven by society is a terrible thing. Walking changes the brain. Walking and watching, I have my own ideas, and gradually have their own design style.
  Back to the starting point, what is design? I think I have made it clear that on the one hand, this problem can not be summarized in one word, on the other hand, it can not be clearly explained. In this process, the parties must consider each other, which is a satisfactory answer. Designers in different directions have different answers and different levels of designers have different perceptions. Therefore, when we come to the front, we should learn more and broaden our horizons. When our theory is reliable, we should take the stairs. In addition, after we have completed the designer's own requirements, we should go a long way, design can bring people more hope and beauty. If you look at society from a designer's point of view, design is everywhere. However, from my personal understanding, design has taught me a lot of relationships, how to deal with the relationship between people, between people and objects, and between people and space. For example, I need to be consistent with others. Design is far from the end, only continuous evolution and renewal.
六月已末,戊戌将半,逢夏秋之交而暑热不退,自中原以至关外闷热难当,华北频现断企业之用电而保民众纳凉之需求事。廿五日,余校内外之学业惧休,遂有举家避暑之意。子曰:智者乐水,仁者乐山。国人避暑之爱无外乎于山河之间寻云水之乐耳,念吾母之辛劳吾弟之年幼,弃山而就水不亦宜乎?  廿六日,吾父驱车,出赵都过魏属横跨齐鲁直抵海滨,于青黄之间遥见一桥,其名曰“胶州湾大桥”直似卧波飞龙盘亘于沧海之上,车行其间,波涛
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摘要:在《激进的美学锋芒》一书中提到的现代主义建筑风格,要求建筑师要摆脱传统建筑形式的束缚,大胆创造适应于工业化社会的条件,设计的崭新建筑。因此具有鲜明的理性主义和和激进主义的色彩,这种建筑概念影响了服装的设计风格,结构,线条和人体,在服装设计中现代主义建筑元素得到广泛应用。  关键词:现代主义建筑;服装风格;《激进的美学锋芒》;理性主义  一、现代主义建筑风格  在《激进的美学锋芒》一书中提及的
摘要:色彩作为一种供人们欣赏的美感存在着,它是每个动画中必不可少的创作形式。色彩的运用对于一部动画有着举足轻重的作用。我们可以通过色彩的不同来看出动画角色性格的不同,还有人物的情绪变化,因此设计师要在自己的作品中加入复杂的情感,来突出作品的独特性。设计师能够通过具体的色彩組合的表达和转换与观众进行情感性的交流,让观众身临其境地体会动画作品中的角色的心理变化和情感变化.  关键词:色彩处理;动画设计
摘要:随着信息化时代的到来和为了满足人民日益增长的美好生活需要,动画影视成为人类生活中更加重要的环节,而作为现代影视的重要组成部分的色彩处理  关键词:色彩;情感影响;设计  对从事动画设计方面的人员来说,在色彩和动作画面的设计步骤中应当使剧本想表达给观众的思想和画面情感相互关联。使用不同颜色的搭配更能促进对于动画人物的慌张、失望、惊喜、愉悦、担心、愤怒、忧虑等情感的表达。从动画创作的观赏角度看,
Abstract: The pursuit of aesthetics and the understanding of design in VI design are inextricably linked with the design thinking of current corporate advertising. VI design is the carrier of the bran