生产厂商:美齐联系电话:021-32095579厂商网址:www.jeanchina.com$2299 POPHARD观点目前,各主流品牌同档次LCD在画质上并没有很大差距,美齐JT229OP就是这样一款中规中矩的产品,它拥有较短的响应时间,较高的动态对比度,并配备了目前先进的HDMI输出接口,但在外观设计和画质上并未给人深刻印象POPHARD点评+ HDMI输出接口-价格稍高
Manufacturer: Mei Qi Tel: 021-32095579 Manufacturer Website: www.jeanchina.com $ 2299 POPHARD view Currently, the mainstream brands with the same level of quality in the LCD is not much difference, the beauty Qi JT229OP is such a satisfactory product , It has a shorter response time, high dynamic contrast ratio, and equipped with the current state of the art HDMI output interface, but in the design and quality is not impressive POPHARD reviews + HDMI output interface - the price is slightly higher