世界卫生组织和联合国儿童基金会大力推荐所有婴儿出生后 4~ 6个月必须给予母乳喂养 ,而后虽逐渐添加副食品 ,但仍要坚持母乳喂养直至两岁。但仍有不少母亲因各种原因未能坚持做好。其原因与以下因素有关 :1 母亲缺乏有关母乳喂养的相关知识。 1在妊娠期未能接受母乳喂养相关
WHO and UNICEF strongly recommend that all infants must be breastfeeding 4 to 6 months after birth, and then gradually add breastfeeding until they are 2 years old. However, many mothers did not persist in doing so for various reasons. The reasons are related to the following factors: 1 Mothers lack relevant knowledge about breastfeeding. 1 is not associated with breastfeeding during pregnancy