为深入了解国内暗黑鳃金龟Holotrichia parallela Motschulsky种群的性信息素组分及其田间引诱效果,采用气质联用技术对其雌性信息素进行了分离鉴定,利用标记-回捕技术测试了5 h内暗黑鳃金龟的扩散距离,并在此基础上测试了诱捕器颜色、离地高度、密度、单诱芯性信息素含量等对田间诱虫效果的影响。结果表明:L-异亮氨酸甲酯和(R)-(-)-芳樟醇为国内青岛种群暗黑鳃金龟雌虫性信息素的主要组分,两者含量比为7∶1;暗黑鳃金龟5 h扩散距离可达400 m以上,平均扩散距离为55.9 m,扩散距离在20~60 m的个体占总虫数的77.5%;黄色诱捕器对该虫的引诱效果显著优于黑色和绿色;诱捕器离地2 m引诱到的试虫数目显著高于1、1.5、2.5和3 m;单个诱芯性信息素含量360 mg引诱效果最好,显著高于180 mg及以下浓度;诱捕器间隔20~60 m防治效果较好,结合使用成本和试虫扩散距离,间距60 m最优。
In order to understand the sex pheromone components and field attractiveness of the Holotrichia parallela Motschulsky population in China, the female pheromones were isolated and identified by GC-MS, and the dark pheasants Gill beetle diffusion distance, and on this basis to test the trap color, ground clearance, density, single-induced sex pheromone content on the field of the effect of trapping insects. The results showed that L-isoleucine methyl ester and (R) - (-) - linalool are the major constituents of female pheromone in Qingdao population, The divergence distance of Gallium flavescens was more than 400 m in 5 h, the average spread distance was 55.9 m, and the individual with spread distance of 20-60 m accounted for 77.5% of the total number of insects. The attractant effect of yellow trap was better than that of black and Green; the number of the test insects induced by 2 m of the trap was significantly higher than that of 1, 1.5, 2.5 and 3 m; the single inductive pheromone content of 360 mg was the best, significantly higher than the concentration of 180 mg; trapping The control efficiency of 20 ~ 60 m interval is good, and the optimal distance is 60 m with the cost of use and diffusion distance of test insects.