The thermal stress distribution in copper interconnection system was simulated by finite element analysis (FEM), the distribution and change of stress before and after stress induced voids at different locations of copper interconnection were simulated, and the possible growth location of stress induced voids in interconnection and Its geometry. The results show that the stress distribution in the interconnection is obviously anisotropic, and the stress gradient in the horizontal direction is significantly larger than that in the vertical direction. The tensile stress in the interconnection system appears to be maximum on either side of the M1 top via. Cavity growth on both sides of the through hole at the top of M1 can effectively release the interconnected tensile stress, and the stress decreases or even changes to the compressive stress as the cavity size increases. From an energy perspective, the strain energy released by stress-induced cavities provides the energy required to overcome the energy barrier in the growth of voids. The simulation results show that the elliptical cavity can release more elastic energy during growth, and the cavity gradually changes from circular to elliptical during growth, which is more conducive to the growth of hollow.