家庭是社会的细胞,它和整个社会组成了一个完整的有机体,美好的社会是美好的家庭的延伸。古人云:“齐家而后治国,治国而后平天下。”家庭安定、幸福,整个社会才会安定繁荣。因此,治家要先“治”人。要造就符合时代需要的人,是一项长期、艰难又又复杂的任务。在社会主义初级阶段,要培养“有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律”的社会主义公民,家庭、学校、社会的地位和作用,显得十分重要。 家庭、学校、社会是预防和减少青少年犯罪的三条重要防线,而家庭是首要防线。为了预防和减少青少年犯罪,必须在第一道防线上下功夫、花力气。所以,研究家庭和家庭教育,就成为当前法学、社会学、教育学、伦理学、心理学等学科理论研究和司法实践所特别关注的问题。本文仅就家庭和家庭教育在预防和减少青少年犯罪中的地位和功能方面谈一点粗浅的认识,以此就教于热心此项研究的专家学者。
Family is the cell of society, it and the whole society formed a complete organism, a beautiful society is an extension of a beautiful family. The ancients said: “The whole family will be ruled by the state, and the country will be ruled by the world.” Family stability and happiness will bring stability and prosperity to the entire society. Therefore, the rule of law must first “rule” people. To create people who meet the needs of the times is a long-term, difficult and complicated task. In the initial stage of socialism, it is very important to cultivate the status and role of socialist citizens, families, schools and the society that are “ideologically, ethically, culturally and disciplined.” Families, schools and the community are three important lines of defense in preventing and reducing juvenile delinquency. Families are the primary line of defense. In order to prevent and reduce juvenile delinquency, we must work hard on the first line of defense and work hard. Therefore, to study family and family education has become a special issue of theoretical and judicial practice in jurisprudence, sociology, education, ethics and psychology. This article is intended to teach experts and scholars who are passionate about this research, focusing only on superficial knowledge of family and family education in preventing and reducing the status and functioning of juvenile delinquency.