你说怪不怪,劈也劈不开,抠也抠不烂的“榆木疙瘩”,竟然也能开窍,不仅是“开窍”,而且还给山里人带来了收益,开辟了致富路。这个能让“榆木疙瘩”开窍的人,就是山东省泰安市泰山区艾洼村民兵连长李丙坤。 1997年底,年仅22岁的李丙坤从部队光荣退伍,当上了艾洼村民兵连长。一向不甘“寂寞”的他,看到村里大多数人家依旧靠种地吃饭时,开始琢磨如何引导和带领乡亲们致富。一次,李丙坤从电视上得知种花卉苗木能致富的消息后,便到周围的交易市场考察,他发现花卉苗木需求量大,利润高,而且地处
You blame, split also split, pull also do not rotten “Elm bumps”, can also be resuscitation, not only “resuscitation”, but also to the mountains brought benefits, opened up the road to prosperity. This one can make “Elm knots” resurrection of the people, that is, Taian District, Tai'an City, Shandong Province Aiwa village militia commander Li Pokun. At the end of 1997, only 22-year-old Li Pok-kun retired from the army honorably and became the militia company commander of Aiwa Village. He has been unwilling to “lonely”, he saw most people in the village still rely on farming to eat, began to figure out how to guide and lead the folks to get rich. Once, Li Pinkun learned from the television that flowers and seedlings can get rich news, he went to the surrounding trading market, he found that flower seedlings demand, high profits, and is located