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建立丝虫的体外培养系统对丝虫病的防治与监测有着重要的价值。Sawyer和Weinstein(1963)首次报道犬恶丝虫在NCTC_(109)培养液中可发育到一期。1966年Wood和Suitor利用埃及伊蚊细胞的Grece's细胞系培养台湾猴丝虫微丝蚴,至第19天发育到第2期幼虫。此后,体外培养受到广泛注意,并取得一定进展。1987年,姜维维用CaCl_2人工脱鞘的马来丝虫微丝蚴在HamF_(12)和RPMI_(1640)含30%小牛血清中最高有20%可发育至腊肠期。陶鸿章(1989)用CaCl_2脱鞘的马来丝虫微丝蚴在含中华按蚊细胞系的TC_(199)培养液中有25.5%发育致腊肠期,并且认为有鞘微丝虫蚴的体外培养,脱鞘是使其发育的先决条件。本文报道未经人工脱鞘及人工脱鞘的微丝蚴在各种培养液及含东乡伊蚊胸肌细胞系的培养液中发育情况。 Establishment of filarial in vitro culture system for the prevention and control of filariasis has an important value. For the first time, Sawyer and Weinstein (1963) reported that D. canadensis developed to a phase in NCTC 109 broth. In 1966 Wood and Suitor used the Aedes aegypti cell line of Grece’s cell line to cultivate the microflora of Taiwan’s T. aurantiacus and developed stage 2 larvae on the 19th day. Since then, in vitro culture received widespread attention and made some progress. In 1987, Jiang Weiwei artificial insecticide Caenorhabditis microfilariae dermabrasion developed up to 20% of HamF_ (12) and RPMI_ (1640) containing 30% bovine serum to the sausage stage. Tao Hongzhang (1989) 25.5% of the Caenorhabditis microfilariae dealed with CaCl 2 developed 25.5% of the culture medium of TC_ (199) containing Chinese Anopheles sinensis cell line, and it was considered that in vitro culture of Schizophyllum sclerotiorum Sheathing is a prerequisite for its development. This article reports the development of microfilariae without artificial demyelination and artificial debridement in a variety of culture broths and in culture broth containing Dongjiang Aedes pectoralis.
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这位女孩的不幸在于,她遇到他的时候,他已经在瓶子里呆满1000年了。  前几天有位写信没有落款的女孩发了封电子邮件给我,说2009年认识初恋男友,虽然男友买不起房子,自己父母也反对,但是她特别喜欢他,倒追他,并打掉过一个孩子。  到后来,整件事就变成了一个卑微典范。她说:“他从未跟我说过爱我,可我想,他之前谈的两个对象都因为房子的问题分了,可能心理受打击了吧,我想我要好好地对他,他会慢慢接受我的。