食品各有其感官特征,感官指标是食品的重要技术标准。人的感觉器官指眼、口、耳、鼻、手,用它们来检查食品的感官特征如色、香、味、形,即感官分析检验。消费者常常以感官加感情取向来判断食品,这往往不够客观;感官结合理化、卫生指标,综合进行检验,才显其科学公正。 视觉,通常用来检验食品的形状和色泽。食品的颜色往往来源有三:食品本身、原料和色素。形状和色泽在一定程度上还反映了食物的新鲜与陈旧程度,譬如有些食物放置时间久了会发生
Food has its own sensory characteristics, sensory indicators of food is an important technical standard. The human sensory organ refers to the eyes, mouth, ears, nose, hand, use them to check the sensory characteristics of food such as color, smell, taste, shape, that is, sensory analysis test. Consumers often judge the food by sensory and emotional orientation, which is often not objective enough. Sensory integration with physicochemical and hygienic indicators and comprehensive testing shows its scientific fairness. Visual, usually used to test food shape and color. Food colors often come from three sources: the food itself, raw materials and pigments. To a certain extent, the shape and color reflect the freshness and outdatedness of food. For example, some foods may take a long time to occur