The fundamentalism is an extremely important genre in the theory of constitutional interpretation. It is also the most important method in all kinds of constitutional interpretation methods. It is of great significance to maintain the value of democracy and the objectivity of law. However, the fundamentalist theory camp is full of disagreement and controversy. From the perspective of philosophical hermeneutics, all kinds of schools of interpretation are nothing more than the author, the text and the reader. The disagreements between the fundamentalism and the non-originalism mainly focus on explaining whether the writer-centered or the reader-centered, However, the disagreement within the originalism manifests itself as the controversy between author-centered theory and text-centered theory, that is, the difference between intention theory and text theory. Based on this, the fundamentalism theory splits into two genres. In the view of intentionality, the goal of constitutional interpretation is to seek the intention of the constitutionalist. It is the fundamental goal of the constitutional interpretation to find out and realize the constitutional intention. On the other hand, the text theory holds that the intention of the constitutionalist can not be determined and therefore can not provide a credible and definite method for constitutional interpretation. The original meaning condensed in the constitutional text can be learned in a certain way and should become the main rule of the constitutional interpretation. What is in common with the text theory is that it opposes a way of interpretation that departs from or exceeds the text of the Constitution.