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原旨主义是宪法解释理论中极其重要的一支流派,也是各种宪法解释方法中最为重要的一种方法,它对于维护民主、法律的客观性等价值具有重要意义。但是,原旨主义理论阵营内部也充满分歧与争议。从哲学解释学的角度来看,各种解释流派无非是围绕作者、文本与读者三者展开,原旨主义与非原旨主义的分歧主要表现在解释究竟以作者为中心还是以读者为中心,而原旨主义内部的分歧则表现为作者中心论与文本中心论的争论,即意图论与文本论的区别,在此基础上原旨主义理论分裂为两大流派。意图论认为宪法解释的目标就是探求制宪者意图,查明并实现制宪意图才是宪法解释的根本目标。而文本论则认为,制宪者意图难以确定因而无法为宪法解释提供可靠的、确定的方法,凝结在宪法文本中的原初含义却可以通过一定的方式获知,应成为宪法解释的主要规则。意图论和文本论的共同之处在于,反对一种脱离或者超越宪法文本的解释进路。 The fundamentalism is an extremely important genre in the theory of constitutional interpretation. It is also the most important method in all kinds of constitutional interpretation methods. It is of great significance to maintain the value of democracy and the objectivity of law. However, the fundamentalist theory camp is full of disagreement and controversy. From the perspective of philosophical hermeneutics, all kinds of schools of interpretation are nothing more than the author, the text and the reader. The disagreements between the fundamentalism and the non-originalism mainly focus on explaining whether the writer-centered or the reader-centered, However, the disagreement within the originalism manifests itself as the controversy between author-centered theory and text-centered theory, that is, the difference between intention theory and text theory. Based on this, the fundamentalism theory splits into two genres. In the view of intentionality, the goal of constitutional interpretation is to seek the intention of the constitutionalist. It is the fundamental goal of the constitutional interpretation to find out and realize the constitutional intention. On the other hand, the text theory holds that the intention of the constitutionalist can not be determined and therefore can not provide a credible and definite method for constitutional interpretation. The original meaning condensed in the constitutional text can be learned in a certain way and should become the main rule of the constitutional interpretation. What is in common with the text theory is that it opposes a way of interpretation that departs from or exceeds the text of the Constitution.
【中图分类号】G61【文献标识码】A【文章编号】2095-3089(2012)10-0037-01  意境,即客观事物和诗人思想感情的有机统一,它是诗的灵魂。可以说,没有了意境便没有了诗的存在。小学語文教材中精选的每一首古诗都向我们展示了它特有的韵致和境界:或借景抒情,或托物言志,或以事寓理,情景交融、物志合一、事理相通。仔细品位,总给人以美的享受。但是,由于古今语言的差异,生活环境的变迁,小学生