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  Kids are masters of wild invention. In The Neighbors, author and illustrator Einat Tsarfati pulls young readers into a world of colorful, untamed1 imagination as seen through the eyes of one creative little girl.
  There are many doors in the girl’s apartment building; some doors seem playful, some foreboding2, and one is smelly. The lobster door knockers, jungle plants and paw prints she finds in the halls all lead her to one conclusion: Her building is full of museum thieves, mermaids and jazz musicians.
  Tsarfati writes with a genuinely kid-friendly voice. Again and again, our curiosity ends with satisfying intriguing3 detail and vibrant colors that tumble4 boldly5 into each apartment. Readers will want to explore every inch of the pages.
  Tsarfati writes and illustrates with a child’s enthusiasm and sense of possibility. Bold and exciting, The Neighbors teeters6 delightfully on the edge of chaos with an acrobat’s7 balance of storytelling and imagination. With so much to look at, it’s a hard book to close. Tsarfati tells one apartment resident’s story, but there are countless others yet to be discovered.
出生日期:2002年9月17日  座右銘:没有拼搏的山重水复,就没有成功的柳暗花明。  就读学校班级:河北省阜城县第四中学八(4)班  指导教师:张超  One day, a fox felt a little hungry, so he went out to look for some food to eat. Soon he saw a frog playing near the river
追求公平与效率的统一是我国社会主义教育的本质规定和内在要求。  把促进公平同提高效率结合起来,在不同的历史阶段达到动态平衡,实现在教育发展的基础上由广大人民共享改革发展成果。  每年的两会,教育公平都是代表委员关心的焦点。今年两会,教育公平的话题仍旧热度不减。随着教育改革发展向深处推进,人们不仅关注教育公平本身,也从更广阔的视野关注确保公平与注重效率的平衡,关注促进公平与推动改革的联系。  十八届
出生日期:2001年12月23日  愛好:唱歌  座右铭:自信是成功的第一秘诀。  就读学校班级:江苏省赣榆县罗阳中学九(1)班  指导老师:陈传光  My Hobby  Different people have different hobbies. My hobby is singing. It’s a great hobby! It’s fun and makes me feel proud
摘要 电气工程及其自动化技术应用的范围在逐渐的扩大,在这个基础上,对各项技术进行创新,存在着十分重要的意义。并且提高这项技术使用效率可以在不同的程度上促进相关行业的快速发展,还能够有效地提高我国用电的安全。电气工程及其自动化的发展可以在很大的程度上促进我国经济和科技的发展,为我国人们创造更美好的生活。  关键词 电气工程;自动化;生活应用  当电气自动化与科技创新相结合时,新兴的力量与时代的科技发
Her Plea to the World Wbrked她对世界的懇求奏效了
Hats have quite a long history. People have found carvings of people wearing hats as far back as 3200 BCE. There were all kinds of reasons to wear hats—safety, religious1 reasons, warmth, fashion, soc
中考、高考改革正在紧锣密鼓地进行着。之前,教育部宣布2016年将进行中、高考改革,而不久前,教育部再一次宣布2017年将全面实行高考改革,虽然提得比较笼统,但一石激起千层浪,影响巨大。最近一些省市相继出台了改革框架方案,面向社会征求意见。  拿北京的框架方案来说,改革办法是逐步推进。这两年先改革填报志愿等规定,到2016年就会有大动作,如:中考语文学科分值从原来的120分调整到150分;英语学科分
“Here we have a mangrove bud2. You take it and you plant the lower third in the mud, and then you take 2 steps—one, two, and then you plant another one,” said the retired politician, with a smile ear
( )1. —Hi, Julie, what would you like to have for supper?  —Oh, Mom, I feel terrible and don’t feel like _______ anything.  A. eat B. to eat C. eating D. ate  ( )2. —Miller spread some bad stories
摘 要 实施班级管理是班主任重要的一项工作内容,小学高年级的学生自我意思越来越强,容易在学习以及言行方面中出现问题。为此班级中的班主任更加应当用心投入到班级工作中,在细心观察的基础上引导到学生逐渐养成良好的行为习惯,这样才能逐渐形成良好的班风。  关键词 小学高年级 班主任 班级工作  当前我国社会对教育的要求在逐渐发生改变,而学校作为教育目标实现的重要阵地,其肩负着培养国家人才的重要责任。班级是