The Volatility Index is the pricing benchmark for the options market. It is of great practical significance to draw up a Volatility Index that is in line with the characteristics of China’s options market. In order to ensure the applicability of Volatility Index, this study takes full account of the differences of China’s option market, and through the theoretical analysis to prove its scientific nature, through the empirical analysis to test its validity. The study found that the principle of variance swap is suitable for the ETF option market. By introducing a piecewise function, the issue of fewer contract months for the SSE 50 ETF options can be basically solved. The contribution of the deep-value option to the volatility index is very small. Fewer, the larger the contract interval can not be considered. Suggest: Add one recent contract on the basis of the current month and the next month. Increase the exercise price of the option contract appropriately. During the abnormal fluctuation period, compensate for the jump component of the volatility index to avoid significantly underestimate the real volatility of the option market .