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正畸美学不仅表现在静态,而且在动态时也得到充分地体现。作为最重要的面部表情,笑容是传递友好、表达赞同和欣赏的一种基本方式。影响笑容美的主要因素恰恰又是唇齿之间的关系和牙齿的排列。对于微笑的美观与否,无统一的标准,它与文化背景、民族习惯、种族差异、审美情趣等诸多因素有关,但是和所有美的事物一样,遵从着一些普遍的原则。理想的微笑特征是:暴露上前牙的牙冠全长,不暴露牙龈,上切牙切缘与下唇曲线平行,上切牙切缘与下唇全部或部分接触,上下中线一致,显露上颌第一或第二前磨牙;上颌前牙切缘与后牙牙尖形成一逐渐上升曲线,该曲线与下唇弧度一致,可取得最和谐的视觉效果。而正畸美学主要恰恰关注的是面下1/3部分,包含垂直向,水平向,矢状向的三维的协调,通过排齐牙列,调整牙齿轴倾度和转矩角度、调整前牙覆合覆盖关系到正常,控制合平面的倾斜度,从而使牙齿支撑起唇、颊部,口角处的轮廓以及颜面的高度。调整上下牙弓中线一致,并与面部中线的协调,使容貌表现出对称和均衡。同时通过正畸治疗改善牙齿与唇的位置关系,形成适合个体的笑线、笑弧和牙龈线,控制颊廊,使动态和静态相协调,可帮助患者重塑魅力微笑。再者正畸美学还应考虑时间因素即个体生长发育的特点以及骨骼与软组织的成熟和增龄变化,预见个体不同年龄阶段的面容变化,从而制订出最佳的诊断及治疗设计。 Orthodontic aesthetics is not only reflected in the static, but also fully reflected in the dynamic. As the most important facial expression, smile is a basic way to pass on friendship, express approval and appreciation. The main factor affecting the beauty of the smile is exactly the relationship between the teeth and the arrangement of the teeth. There is no uniform standard for the beauty of a smile. It is related to many factors such as cultural background, national customs, racial differences, aesthetic taste, etc. However, like all beautiful things, some general principles are followed. Ideal smile features are: exposure to the crown on the full length of the anterior tooth, does not expose the gums, the incisors and the lower lip edge of the cutting edge parallel to the upper and lower incisors cut edge and all or part of the contact, the upper and lower center line consistent, revealing the maxilla The first or second premolar; the maxillary anterior incisor edge and posterior teeth cusp form a gradual upward curve, the curve of the lower lip with the same curvature, can achieve the most harmonious visual effects. Orthodontics aesthetics is mainly concerned with the surface is 1/3, including the vertical, horizontal, sagittal three-dimensional coordination, by aligning the dentition, adjust the tooth shaft inclination and torque angle, adjust the anterior teeth Coverage is normal and controls the slope of the coplanar plane so that the teeth support the contours of the lips, cheeks, mouth, and the height of the face. Adjust the alignment of the upper and lower dental arch line, and coordination with the facial midline, so that the appearance of symmetry and balance. At the same time, orthodontic treatment can improve the relationship between the teeth and the lip, form a smile line, a laugh arc and a gum line for the individual, control the cheek corridor, and reconcile the dynamic and the static state to help the patient to reshape the charm smile. Furthermore orthodontic aesthetics should also consider the time factor that the characteristics of individual growth and development and bone and soft tissue maturation and aging changes, foresee the face of individuals in different age changes, in order to formulate the best diagnosis and treatment design.
目的 探讨大剂量N-乙酰半胱氨酸(NAC)治疗急性加重期慢性阻塞性肺疾病(AE-COPD)的临床疗效。方法选择2015年1~12月我院呼吸内科收治的AE-COPD患者158例,按随机数字表法分为NAC组
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