自2001年11月,青岛橡六集团有限公司研制开发的符合MT668-1997标准的阻燃钢丝绳芯输送带开始大批量向国内各大煤业供货。这是在中国加入WTO后国内首家采用具有国际水准、与国际惯例接轨的MT668标准大批量生产该种产品的大型国有企业。在国内同行业中引起强烈反响。 多年来,由于大型输送带特别是阻燃带技术含量高,美、德、日等国凭借先进技术、材料形成了较完备的标准体系,其中输送带阻燃性能标准由英国标准占霸主地位。中国企业因材料、技术标准落后一直难以获取进入市场的资格,因而这块市场长期被西方跨国公司所垄断。
Since November 2001, Qingdao Yuliu Group Co., Ltd. developed in line with MT668-1997 standard flame retardant steel cord conveyor belt began to supply large quantities of coal to the domestic industry. This is the first large state-owned enterprise in China to adopt the MT668 standard with international standards and conforming to international practices to mass produce such products after China’s accession to the WTO. In the domestic industry caused a strong reaction. Over the years, the United States, Germany, Japan and other countries formed a more complete standard system with advanced technology and materials due to the high technical content of large conveyor belts, especially flame retardant belts. The standard of flame retardant performance of conveyor belts is dominated by British standards. Chinese enterprises have been hard-won to obtain market access because of the backwardness of their materials and technical standards. Therefore, this market has long been monopolized by western multinational corporations.