【摘 要】
The electronic structures and optical properties of Y-doped ZnO are calculated using first-principles calculations.It is found that the replacement of Zn by the
【机 构】
The Key Lab of Automobile Materials(Ministry of Education),College of Materials Science and Engineer
The electronic structures and optical properties of Y-doped ZnO are calculated using first-principles calculations.It is found that the replacement of Zn by the rare-earth element Y presents a shallow donor,and the Fermi level moves into the conduction band (CB).The high dispersion and s-type character of CB is expected to result in an increase in conductivity.Moreover,the absorption spectrum of the Y-doped ZnO system exhibits a slight blue shift with an increase of Y concentration,and a higher transparency in visible light is expected.Therefore,the Y-doping in ZnO would enhance the mobility and hence increase the electrical conductivity without sacrificing the optical transparency,which is essential for the improvement of ZnOs behavior and its performance in extension applications.
2019年4月21日 星期日 晴 一分鐘,有时如同一个世纪,有时如同一年,有时如同一天,有时如同一秒,有时如同一瞬间。你会疑惑,一分钟怎么会变长变短?今天,我和同学们一起体验了一下一分钟到底有多长。 体验一:看闹钟 我们拿来一个闹钟,把它放在桌上,大家围成圈,目不转睛地盯着闹钟的分针,像看一件稀奇古怪的东西,顿时仿佛空气凝固了,没有一个人说话、发出声响,也许是分针在众目睽睽之下害羞了,不敢走
We propose a scheme for implementing quantum information transfer based on frequency modes of microwave photons in a superconducting circuit.In our proposal,qua
摘 要:现代路新建下穿立交桥采用2~16m+1~8.0m钢筋混凝土独立框架桥,中心里程为兖石上行线K300+369.6,桥梁中心线与兖石上行线交角为84.7°。在列车限速45Km/h条件下,采用D24+D24+D24便梁加固防护。 关键词:铁路营业线;框构涵;便梁架设与纵移 施工步骤:(1)施工准备。(2)上、下行线吊装便梁上线;按照便梁横梁位置方移既有线路混凝土枕;制作便梁混凝土支墩。(3)
The instability of a flexible filament immersed in uniform flow is studied.A numerical simulation based on the immersed boundary method is conducted on a two-di