坚持在开拓创新上下功夫 ,充分发挥基层党组织的创造力目前基层党组织在自身建设方面创新意识不强、工作新思路不多、解决自身问题能力较弱的问题具有一定普遍性。基层党组织只有把有没有创新精神 ,看做是一个班子、一个书记的党性问题 ,与时俱进 ,不断开拓创新 ,才能使基层党
Persevere in Innovation and Make Great Efforts and Give Full Scope to the Creativity of Grass-roots Party Organizations At present, the grass-roots party organizations have a lack of innovative awareness in their own construction, and they are not equipped with new ideas for work and have a relatively weak ability to solve their own problems. Only by regarding the existence of innovative spirit as a party-state issue for a team and a secretary, grass-roots party organizations can keep pace with the times and keep on exploring and innovating in order to enable the grass-roots party