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近年来,我国心脑血管疾病的发生率比50年代翻了一番,而且还在不断上升。发生心脑血管疾病的主要原因是动脉粥样硬化或栓塞。导致动脉硬化的元凶就是体内的胆固醇。因此,只要一提胆固醇,人们就望而却步。实际上,胆固醇并非有过无功。前先,胆固醇是人体生命代谢中下可缺少的重要物质之一,是人体合成维生素D3、胆汁酸、雄性激素、雌性激素、孕激素及皮质激素的主要原料。维生素D参与人体钙和磷的代谢,缺乏时会导致佝偻病。胆汁酸能促进食物中脂肪分解吸收。缺乏时,大最脂肪从粪便中排出,会造成人体能量缺乏,营养不良。其他各种激素也各有自己不可替代的功能。一旦发生胆固醇缺乏时,人体的正常生命代谢将无法进行。人体中的胆固醇有两种,一种叫低密度胆固醇,(LDL-C),它是低密度脂蛋白颗粒(LDL)中的胆固醇,这种脂蛋白的士要功能是将肝脏合成的胆固醇、运载到肝脏以外的其他组织中去。现已证实,血液中低密度胆固醇越高,发生心脑血管动脉硬 In recent years, the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in our country has doubled than that in the 1950s, and it is still on the rise. The main cause of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease is atherosclerosis or embolism. The culprit leading to atherosclerosis is the body’s cholesterol. So, as soon as you mention cholesterol, people are discouraged. In fact, cholesterol has not been too reactive. Cholesterol is one of the most important substances that can be absent in the metabolism of human life. Cholesterol is the main raw material of vitamin D3, bile acid, androgen, estrogen, progesterone and corticosteroids in human body. Vitamin D is involved in the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in the human body, which can cause rickets in the absence of vitamin D. Bile acid can promote the absorption of fat in food absorption. Lack of time, the most fat discharged from the excrement, will cause the body lack of energy, malnutrition. Other various hormones also have their own irreplaceable function. In the event of a lack of cholesterol, the body’s normal life metabolism will not work. There are two types of cholesterol in the body, one is called low density cholesterol (LDL-C), which is cholesterol in low-density lipoprotein particles (LDL). The function of this lipoprotein is to synthesize cholesterol, Carry it to other tissues outside the liver. It has been confirmed that the higher the blood low-density cholesterol, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular arteriosclerosis occurred
1950年初,白石老人为了表达对新中国建立的无 比喜悦,对中国人民伟大领袖毛泽东的崇敬 与热爱,亲自精选材料,十分用心地给毛泽东制作了两枚印章,用宣纸包好,托人送进了中南海。 毛泽东
增欲壮阳 鲜艳欲滴的西红柿使人们很容易与性欲联系在一起。食用西红柿后,其中的番茄红素被吸收后多集中在前列腺、肾上腺等处,可促进性激素的正常分泌,预防前列腺癌,使前列
我喜欢″青鸟″这个名字,她象是一个长着透明翅膀的精灵,静静的将我领入摄影这神秘的殿堂。我的所有梦想都发源于此。 最初喜欢这个名字,是因为传说中的青鸟。据说是古代西
海南朱莎问:我生小孩后不久,手腕部出现了疼痛。在抱孩子、炒菜、提壶倒水时疼痛加重,给生活造成诸多不便。这是怎么回事,该如何防治? 答:产妇在“坐月子”期间,一般都受到