日常生活中“炉”、“烟”的特点与唐宋词的总体风貌十分契合 ,“炉 (烟 )”意象因之成为唐宋词人运用得最为广泛和成功的文学意象之一。本文对此二意象在帮助形成唐宋词特有风格、意境方面所发挥的作用作了探讨。同时 ,将李清照作为个案研究 ,对其词中使用“炉”、“烟”意象的具体情况作了分析 ,这有助于我们更深一层理解这位女词人的艺术个性
The characteristics of “furnace” and “smoke” in daily life are very much in conformity with the general characteristics of the Tang and Song Ci. Therefore, the image of furnace (smoke) became one of the most widely used and successful literary images in Tang and Song dynasties. This article discusses the role played by these two images in helping to form the unique style of Tang and Song poetry and artistic conception. At the same time, using Li Qingzhao as a case study, I analyze the specifics of using “stove” and “smoke” in her works, which helps us understand the artistic personality of the female poet