借助电教手段 培养学生思维

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研究表明:良好的思维是学生的最佳学习时机,它能使学生获得最大的学习效果,因此,如何培养学生思维能力显得尤为重要,笔者认为解决这一问题的关键在于借助电教手段。一、借助电教手段创设情境是激活学生思维的切入点传统的教学模式都是沿用教师用黑板板书用口头说教,学生用耳朵听、用笔记录,教师和学生之间形成了一定的思维定式,结果是学生在课堂上始终跟着教师的思路进行思维,这样就限制了 The research shows that good thinking is the best time for students to learn, and it can make the students get the maximum learning effect. Therefore, how to cultivate students’ thinking ability is particularly important. The author believes that the key to solve this problem lies in the means of audio-visual education. First, the use of audio-visual means to create situations is to activate the thinking of students into the traditional teaching mode is to follow the teacher with a blackboard board verbally speaking, students use their ears to listen, pen records, teachers and students formed a certain set of thinking, The result is that students in the classroom always following the thinking of teachers thinking, thus limiting