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近年来,由于部分果农重栽轻管,重产量轻质量,致使肥城桃品质有所下降,尽快提高品质已成为肥城桃栽培中急需解决的问题。根据我们的试验观察,要提高肥城桃的品质和产量,在栽培和管理技术方面必须采取以下相应的措施。1合理施肥长期施用化学肥料,尤其是纯氮化肥,是... In recent years, due to some fruit replant light tube, light weight, resulting in lower quality plum peach, as soon as possible to improve the quality of Peach cultivation has become an urgent problem to be solved. According to our experimental observations, to improve the quality and yield of Peach, the following measures must be taken in terms of cultivation and management techniques. A reasonable long-term fertilization of chemical fertilizers, especially pure nitrogen fertilizer, is ...