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新近由解放军出版社出版的《王诚汉回忆录》一书,以生动的笔触,形象地为我们展现了一位出身于染布童工,在革命战争中成长起来的我军优秀将领--王诚汉。他13岁就参加了红军,16岁加入共产党,19岁任红军第262团团长。土地革命战争期间,先后在红四方面军、红25军、红一方面军战斗过;抗日战争时期,是威震豫西的“老虎团”团长;解放战争时期先后在第一、第二、第三和华北野战军里当过指挥员。在70余年的戎马生涯中,他历经大别山的斗争、红军长征、直罗镇战役、豫西抗战、中原突围、孟良崮战役、太原战役、成阳阻击战、成都战役、抗美援朝战争等。在枪林弹雨中,他九死一生,从班、排、连、营、团、旅、师、军,一级未漏地晋升为大军区司令员,军事科学院政委兼党委书记,1988年被授予上将军衔。 Recently published by the People’s Liberation Army Publishing House << Memoirs of Wang Chenghan >> a book, vivid strokes vividly shows us one was born in the dyeing of child labor, grew up in the revolutionary war excellent army generals - Wang Chenghan. He joined the Red Army at the age of 13, joined the Communist Party at 16, and was the 262nd head of the Hongling Army at 19. During the Agrarian Revolutionary War, they successively fought over the Red Fourth Army, the Red Army and the Red Army. During the Anti-Japanese War, they were heads of the “Tiger Group” in West Meigun. During the War of Liberation, Second, the third and North China Field Army commander. In the more than 70 years of military career, he has gone through the Dabie Mountains, the Long March, the Battle of Zhiluozhen, the Battle of Western Henan, the Central Plains Breakthrough, Menglianggu Campaign, Taiyuan Campaign, Chengyang Blockade, Chengdu Campaign, and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. In the hail of bullets, he was promoted to commander in chief of the military region, political commissar of the Academy of Military Sciences and secretary of the party committee from rank, row, company, battalion, regiment, brigade, division, army and class. He was awarded the rank of general in 1988 .
通过两年大田随机区组试验,研究不同形态氮素运筹对0~30 cm耕层土壤养分和酶活性及对玉米产量的影响。所有处理进行分层操作,设置不施氮肥(CK)、普通尿素一次施肥(PU1)、普通
为了深入研究血小板胶原受体糖蛋白Ⅵ(glycoprotein Ⅵ,GPⅥ)功能及筛选特异性抑制剂,利用基因重 组技术体外表达GPⅥ胞外区片段。采用PCR方法扩增GPⅥ胞外区片段cDNA,构建表
(一) 1949年的初冬,第46军第136师在衡宝战役结束后,集结在湖南金兰桥地区休整,准备入桂参加解放大西南的作战。11月21日,突然接到军部急电,令第136师急速进军湘南,参加湘南
为了探讨血液肿瘤患者外周血基质细胞源因子-1(SDF-1)及其骨髓细胞表面特异性受体CXCR4的表达 及其临床意义,对28例血液肿瘤患者及12例正常人的骨髓及外周血指标进行了检测,
研究的目的是将人群中28%的B型血改造成通用O型血,提高O型血的储存和使用比例,以缓解战争、 恐怖袭击、突发事件等紧急状态下对O型血的大量需求。用α-1.3半孔糖苷酶作为B→O