一、“九五”期间水利管理工作取得主要成绩 “九五”期间,我市完成水利投资60.6亿元,建设了一大批骨干工程,使本市水利基础设施取得了长足的发展。治太工程中太浦河工程(上海段)全面完成并通过国家二级河道达标验收;红旗塘、拦路港工程和黄浦江上游干流段防洪工程有序推进;全面完成西部地区防洪除涝配套
I. Major Achievements in Water Conservancy Management during the “Ninth Five-Year Plan Period” During the “Ninth Five-Year Plan”, the city completed a total investment of 6.06 billion yuan in water conservancy projects and built a large number of key projects to make substantial progress in the water conservancy infrastructure in this Municipality . The Tai-Pu River project (Shanghai section) of Chih-Tai project was fully completed and passed the acceptance test of the national second-level river. The flood control projects in Hongqitang, the interception road project and the upper reaches of the Huangpu River were promoted in an orderly manner. The flood control and waterlogging supporting facilities in the western region were completed