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就教育工作者而言迫在眉睫的当务之急为如何解决受外出劳务热潮冲击而衍生出的庞大“问题”(单亲、无亲等)孩子群教育。暂且不论社会如何变化、发展,课题的出现是环境使然、也是大势所趋。既然摆在议事日程,身为教师义不容辞的责任是千方百计弥补和挽救损失;虽然所起的作用微不足道,但也责无旁贷。因笔者所处地区和环境之特殊,周边“问题”学生比比皆是,日渐增多,作者接触的也颇多;为拯救因缺乏亲情滋润而消极怠慢、迷失方向自甘堕落的“问题”学生;作者曾尝试过“偏爱”方法;本文就作者实践经验谈几点心得。 The most urgent urgent task for educators is how to solve the huge “problem” (single-parent, unpaid, etc.) children’s education derived from the surging outflow of labor services. For the time being, no matter how the society changes and develops, the emergence of the subject is the result of the environment and the trend of the times. Since it is on the agenda, it is incumbent upon teachers to make every effort to make up for and save the loss. Although the role played by them is insignificant, they also have the responsibility to do so. Due to the special circumstances of the region and the environment of the author, there are numerous “peripheral” “problems” students everywhere and more and more people come into contact with the author. In order to save the negative neglect and lose their self-degeneracy in the absence of affection, “Students; the author has tried ” preference "method; This article on the author’s practical experience to talk about some experience.
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回 回 产卜爹仇贱回——回 日E回。”。回祖 一回“。回干 肉果幻中 N_。NH lP7-ewwe--一”$ MN。W;- __._——————》 砧叫]们羽 制作:陈恬’#陈川个美食 Back to yield