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2009年10月1日,共和国将迎来60华诞。60年前,新中国怀着新梦想在世界的东方诞生。从最初的摸着石头过河,逐步尝试着让一部分人先富裕起来,并一再坚信发展才是硬道理,最终有了如今在中国共产党的领导下,全民奔小康的盛宴。60年间,新中国在非凡的经济建设践行中塑造出属于自己的自信与从容,在建设和谐社会过程中,实现了和平崛起,一张大国脸谱日渐清晰。60年的弹指一挥间,浙江——这个偏居中国东部沿海、资源贫瘠的经济小省,已经成长为中国经济建设的先行者、市场化取向改革的急先锋。尤其改革开放的30多年来,浙江经济社会取得了飞速发展,城乡面貌和人民生活发生了翻天覆地的变化,一跃成为全国市场机制最活络、开放程度最高、经济发展最快、人均收入最多的省份之一。一个地区的发展,只有从国家和时代的坐标上去认识,才能更加准确;一个社会的变革,只有从历史和现实的对比中去把握,才能更加清晰。本刊从本期开始特设“专栏——辉煌60年”新栏目,让我们在回望过去60年浙江经济建设的征程中,再次重温承载着浙江精神的富民强省之梦。 On October 1, 2009, the Republic will celebrate its 60th birthday. Sixty years ago, New China was born in the east of the world with a new dream. From the initial stone walk through the river, and gradually trying to make some people get rich first, and they have repeatedly believed that development is the last word. Eventually, with the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, it is now a feast full of people’s well-being. Over the past 60 years, New China has shaped its own self-confidence and calmness in the extraordinary practice of economic construction. In the process of building a harmonious society, New China has achieved a peaceful rise and the face of a big power has become clearer and clearer. In the past 60 years, Zhejiang Province, an economically small province off China’s eastern coast and resource-poor, has grown to become a vanguard in the reform of its market-oriented economy. In particular, since the reform and opening up for more than 30 years, Zhejiang’s economy and society have witnessed rapid development. The urban and rural areas and people’s lives have undergone tremendous changes. They have become the provinces with the most active market mechanism, the highest degree of opening up, the fastest economic growth and the largest per capita income in the country. one. Only by understanding the coordinates of the country and the times can we be more accurate in the development of a region. Only by grasping the contrast between history and reality can a social change be clearer. From the beginning of this issue, we have set a special column entitled “Column - Splendid 60 Years.” Let us once again review the dream of enriching the people and carrying the spirit of Zhejiang Province during the journey of economic construction in Zhejiang in the past 60 years.