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2009年,可能是新世纪以来我国经济发展最困难的一年,但也是蕴含重大机遇的一年。受国际金融危机持续蔓延和国内经济增长减速的影响,加上我省经济社会发展中长期存在的基础设施薄弱、经济结构不合理、市场化程度低、社会事业欠账多等深层次矛盾和问题,全省经济运行中的困难将会明显增加。一是经济下行压力加大,二是企业经营困难加剧,三是保持农民增收的难度加大,四是维护社会和谐稳定的任务艰巨。但从总体上看,我省经济持续平稳较快发展的趋势没 2009 may be the most difficult year for China’s economic development since the beginning of the new century, but it is also a year that contains major opportunities. Affected by the continued spread of the international financial crisis and the slowdown of domestic economic growth, coupled with deep-rooted contradictions and problems such as the weak infrastructure in the long-term economic and social development in our province, the irrational economic structure, the low degree of marketization and the non-performing social undertakings , The difficulties in the economic operation of the province will increase markedly. First, the downward pressure on the economy will increase. Second, the difficulties in business operations will intensify. Third, it will be more difficult for farmers to increase their incomes. Fourth, the task of maintaining social harmony and stability will be arduous. However, on the whole, the trend of steady and rapid economic development in our province has not
冠词是最典型的限定词。具体可理解为它是标志名词实际所指意义的限定词。我们在七年级学英语时就学到了定冠词the、不定冠词a和an,但还有一种冠词同学们可能还不太 Article
柯南的经典台词说起来总是那么振奋人心,这个没有什么大案要案能够难得住的天才破案专家,在众多凶手和谜团面前永远镇定自若。2010年1月14日,《名侦探柯南:漆黑的追踪者》现身内地大银幕,这是柯南首次进军内地影市,对于那些已经望眼欲穿的柯南粉丝们,这部电影虽然是迟到的问候,但已经满足了大家在银幕上看柯南探案的夙愿。现在,就让我们从头回忆起《柯南剧场版》——    第一弹:引爆摩天大楼(1997)  关
一台CAT 938F型装载机出现启动困难或启动后运转不平稳,工作时排气管冒黑烟,转速下降、功率不足的现象。分析原因可能是:燃油压力低、燃油系统内进入空气、输油泵和汽缸盖之
【正】 Henkel has a long history of developing inno-vative technologies to meet the ever changingneeds of the metal industry. Henkel adhesivesand surface treatm