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多数中国人都熟悉“味道好极了”这句广告词,也有许多人知道做这则广告的是瑞士雀巢公司。然而,可能大多数人并不了解,瑞士最大的企业不是钟表,也不是旅游,而正是这家用浓郁的咖啡敲开中国市场大门的雀巢公司。 1866年雀巢公司首创时,以生产婴儿用的奶粉为主,以后生产速食餐、巧克力,发明速溶咖啡后很快风靡欧美。它被美国《金融世界》杂志连续五年评选为全球十大驰名商标之一。如今“雀巢”的商标几乎遍及全球。它不仅生产咖啡等饮料,还生产乳制品、冷冻食品、婴儿食品;不仅生产人类食品,还生产猫狗等“宠物”食品;还延伸其触角发展到化妆品、旅馆、房地产等行业。如今,雀巢公司在80多个国家和地区设有分公司及代理处,其1993年营业额高达431亿美元,远远高出赫赫有名的麦当劳、肯德基等食品集团,是全球最大的食品跨国公司。 Most Chinese people are familiar with the slogan “Taste is Terrific,” and many people know that this advertisement is made by Swiss Nestle. However, most people may not understand that the largest Swiss company is not a watch or a tourist. It is this Nestlé company, which has a strong home coffee and knocks on the Chinese market. In 1866, Nestlé was the first company to produce milk powder for infants. After the production of instant food and chocolate, it quickly became popular in Europe and the United States after inventing instant coffee. It was selected by the United States “Financial World” Magazine as one of the top ten well-known trademarks in the world for five consecutive years. Today, the “Nestl” trademark is almost universal. It not only produces coffee and other beverages, but also dairy products, frozen foods, baby foods; not only the production of human food, but also the production of “pet” foods such as cats and dogs; also extends its tentacles into cosmetics, hotels, real estate and other industries. Today, Nestlé has branch offices and agencies in more than 80 countries and regions. Its 1993 turnover was as high as 43.1 billion U.S. dollars, far higher than the famous McDonald’s, KFC and other food groups. It is the largest food multinational company in the world. .
目的 :探讨分析进行血清肌红蛋白检验对诊断AMI的临床价值。方法 :选取2014年5月至2015年5月间我院收治的确诊患有AMI的患者84例及来我院进行体检的健康体检者84例作为研究对