
来源 :中国宗教 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bluelpower
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四月的北京春和景明、生机盎然,在这欣欣向荣的美好时节,中共中央、国务院召开了全国宗教工作会议。会议总结新世纪以来党和政府宗教工作的成绩经验,分析当前我国宗教工作形势,研究宗教工作面临的新情况新问题,对全面提高宗教工作水平,促进宗教事业健康发展和充分发挥积极作用,具有十分重大的意义。此次会议是全国宗教工作会议时隔15年再次召开,我本人、中国佛教协会和全国三大语系佛教界对此次会议期盼已久,十分关注,深感振奋。会议必将开创党和政府宗教工作的新局面,必将为全国 In April, Beijing Spring and Jingming were full of vitality. In this thriving and beautiful day, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council held a conference on religious work across the country. The meeting summarized the experience of achievements of the party and government in religious work since the new century, analyzed the present situation of religious work in our country, and studied new situations and new problems faced by religious work. It is of great significance to comprehensively raising the level of religious work, promoting the healthy development of religious affairs and giving full play to its positive role. Very significant. The meeting was held once again by the National Religious Work Conference in 15 years. I, the Buddhist Association of China, the Buddhist Association of the Three Major Departments of Buddhism in China and the Buddhist circles in the three major languages ​​of the country have long been looking forward to this meeting and are very much excited and excited. The conference will surely create a new situation in the religious work of the party and the government and will certainly be the nation