于亚平 1957年生,自幼喜书画,高中时师从原锦铁胡见华先生习国画,继尔又从师于著名画家王弘力先生习书画及美术理论等一直聆教至今。尤于山水画用功最多。1982年毕业于辽师大外语系,工作后频频参加辽宁省书协的书法活动,其作品入展全国及省内诸多书展。现为中国书协会员,大连市美协会员,辽师大成教学院客座教授,2000年于大连举办个人书画展,2003年出版个人国画作品集。
Yu Yaping was born in 1957. Since childhood he was a master of calligraphy and painting. In his high school, he studied traditional Chinese painting from Mr. Jin Tiehu Peihua, and studied everything from painting and calligraphy to fine art theory by renowned artist Wang Hongli. Especially in landscape painting diligently. He graduated from Liaodong Foreign Languages Department in 1982. After his work, he frequently participated in the calligraphy activities of the Liaoning Provincial Book Association. His works have been exhibited in many book exhibitions across the country and in the province. He is currently a member of China Shushu Association, a member of Dalian Association of the United States, and a visiting professor of Liaoning Normal University. In 2000, he held a personal calligraphy and painting exhibition in Dalian and his personal Chinese painting works collection in 2003.