为进一步提高我国妇科微创、阴式手术和盆底重建的理论水平和诊疗质量,由南方医科大学附属佛山妇幼保健院与英国皇家妇产科医院联合举办的中英联合妇科微创新进展高峰论坛暨第十九届阴式手术、盆底重建学习班定于2015年5月20日至24日在佛山举行。本次学习班属国家级继续医学教育项目(项目编号:2015-05-01-018(国))。本次学习班将邀请英国的Mohamed Hefni、Paul Fogarty和国内的夏
In order to further improve the theoretical level and quality of diagnosis and treatment of minimally invasive gynecological surgery, vaginal surgery and pelvic floor reconstruction in China, the peak of progress in minimally-invasive gynecological micro-innovation jointly organized by Foshan MCH and Royal British Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital of Southern Medical University Forum and the nineteenth session of vaginal surgery, pelvic floor reconstruction is scheduled for May 20, 2015 to 24 in Foshan. This class is a state-level continuing medical education project (project number: 2015-05-01-018 (country)). The class will be invited to Britain’s Mohamed Hefni, Paul Fogarty and the country’s summer