机电工业系统软科学研究近十年来有了很大进展,取得了不少成果。为了交流经验,部于1990年11月底在北京召开了机械、兵器和电子个部三合并后的第一次软科学理论方法交流会。部科技司司长郦大升同志在会上做了重要发言,现将发言中与工艺管理有关部分摘报如下: 郦司长在谈到“提高企业素质方面的工作”时他说:提高企业素质,就是如何使企业的发展转上依靠科技进步的轨道。具体地说,主要抓好以下几项工作:
The mechanical and electrical industry system soft science research has made great progress in the past ten years, and made a lot of achievements. In order to exchange experiences, the Ministry convened the first seminar on soft science theory after the merger of the three departments of machinery, weapons and electronics at the end of November 1990 in Beijing. At the meeting, Director of the Department of Science and Technology, Da Sheng, made important speeches. The relevant part of the speech on process management is as follows: 郦 When talking about “improving the quality of work,” the director said: Quality, that is, how to make the development of enterprises rely on the track of scientific and technological progress. Specifically, we will focus on the following tasks: