职业病的诊断由于涉及到复杂的环境因素,即使采用临床上有效的诊断方法,对此也往往是无能为力。为此,美国的Stoller采用系统分析的方法,充分考虑工人、环境和有害物质这三种流行病学因素,模拟出一种诊断规则(见15页图)。这种系统法对于工业卫生医生及有关管理人员无疑是有助益的。医生以就诊工人的症状或无症状工人的健康筛选作为诊断过程的起点,通过查阅有关工具书如《职业病识别指南》(Occupational Diseases: A Guide to Their Recognization)和工厂的工业卫生档案,并深入现场向工业卫生专家及车间监督
The diagnosis of occupational diseases is often powerless even with the use of clinically effective diagnostic methods due to the complex environmental factors involved. To this end, Stoller in the United States used a systematic approach to systematically analyzing three epidemiological factors, including worker, environmental and hazardous substances, to simulate a diagnostic rule (see page 15). This system approach is undoubtedly helpful to industrial health doctors and relevant managers. Physicians screen the symptoms of attending workers or the health screening of asymptomatic workers as a starting point for the diagnosis process by consulting relevant tools such as Occupational Diseases: A Guide to Their Recognization and the factory’s industrial hygiene archives, To industrial hygiene experts and workshop supervision