20世纪以来,思辨哲学向文化哲学的转向昭示了时代对哲学的呼唤。思辨哲学将世界二重化,这既是它的理论前提也是其思想结果;以逻辑方法的科学性为开端,以信念方法的非科学性而终结;以宇宙本体为开端以理性概念认识为终结。这便造成思辨哲学自身不可克服的理论困境。同时,局限于理性概念的理论也不足以回答当代人类所面临的生存问题,文化哲学企图超越思辨哲学的局限,站在更为广阔的文化视野上,对人的生存问题作出全面深刻的理论回答。 一、思辨哲学的理论困境 广义的“思辨哲学”是从古希腊开始形成,经近代唯理论和经验论发展,到德国古典哲学最终完成的西方形而上学,它以实体(存在、本体)和知识(理性、思维、认识)及其关系作为
Since the 20th century, the shift of speculative philosophy from cultural philosophy has shown the call of the times to philosophy. The speculative philosophy of dualizing the world is not only its theoretical premise but also its ideological outcome. It starts with the scientific nature of logical methods and ends with the unscientificness of the method of beliefs. It begins with the end of the universal ontology with a rational concept of understanding. This will lead to speculative philosophy can not overcome its own theoretical difficulties. At the same time, the theory confined to the concept of rationality is not enough to answer the question of subsistence that the contemporary mankind is facing. Cultural philosophy seeks to go beyond the limits of speculative philosophy, and to make a comprehensive and profound theoretical answer to the question of human existence from a broader perspective of culture . I. The Theoretical Predicament of Speculative Philosophy The broad speculative philosophy is a form of Western metaphysics that began to form from ancient Greece and developed from the modern theory of rationality and empiricism to the ultimate completion of classical philosophy in Germany. It takes the entity (existence, ontology) and knowledge Rational, thinking, understanding) and their relationship as