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党的十五大胜利闭幕以来,农发行系统全体干部职工同全国人民一道,掀起了学习、宣传、贯彻十五大精神的热潮。今天,总行杂志社在大连召开农发行宣传和发行工作会议,必将进一步推动我行干部职工学习、贯彻十五大精神的深入开展。下面,我就十五大的主要精神和历史意义、农发行面临的形势和任务以及农发行如何加强舆论宣传工作讲几点意见,供大家参考。一、党的十五大的主要精神及历史意义学习、宣传、贯彻十五大精神,首先要学好江泽民同志的报告,深刻领会十五大的主题,全面认识这次会议的划时代意义。党的十五大,是在我国改革开放和社会主义现代化建设发展的关键时刻召开的一次承前启后、继往开来的历史性会议。党的十五大精神,集中到一点,就是高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜,把建设有中国特色社会主义事业全面推向21世纪。江泽民同志所作的报告,高瞻远瞩,气势恢宏,总揽全局,振奋人心,得到全党和全国各族人民的热烈拥护。报告认真总结改革开放近20年特别是十四大以来的丰富经验,第一次系统地、完整地提出并论证了党在社会主义初级阶段的基本纲领,对跨世纪的伟大 Since the successful conclusion of the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, all cadres and workers of the ADPL system, together with people throughout the country, have set off a wave of learning, propaganda and implementing the spirit of the 15th Party Congress. Today, the head office magazine held a publicity and issuance conference of ADB in Dalian, which will further promote the study of cadres and workers in our bank and carry out the spirit of the 15th Party Congress. Next, I will comment on the main spirit and historical significance of the 15th CPC National Congress, the situation and tasks confronting the ADBC, and how the ADBC ​​will step up publicity and publicity work for your reference. I. Main Spirits and Historical Significance of the 15th National Congress of the CPC To study, publicize and carry out the spirit of the 15th Party Congress, we must first learn from Comrade Jiang Zemin’s report, profoundly understand the theme of the 15th National Congress and fully understand the epoch-making significance of this conference. The 15th CPC National Congress is a historic meeting that takes shape before, from the past to the present, at the crucial moment of our country’s reform and opening up and the socialist modernization and development. Focusing on the spirit of the 15th Party Congress, we must hold high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory and push the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics to the 21st century in an all-round way. The report made by Comrade Jiang Zemin has a far-sighted and far-sighted vision, magnificent momentum, sweeping the overall situation, exhilaration and warm support from the entire party and people of all ethnic groups across the country. The report conscientiously summed up the rich experience gained since the reform and opening up nearly 20 years, especially since the 14th CPC Congress. The first systematic and complete presentation and demonstration of the party’s basic program for the initial stage of socialism have made great contributions to the great achievements of the new century
科学界对研制出艾滋病疫苗的时间表变得越来越悲观。目前在这个领域存在的一个重要问题是:如何在基础研究和疫苗研制之间实现平衡    英国《卫报》日前以这样的标题表达了人类对艾滋病疫苗研究的悲观情绪——《人类可能永远找不到艾滋病疫苗》。  这份报纸做出上述判断的依据是,诺贝尔奖得主戴维巴尔的摩2月18日在美国科学促进会年会上发表了一段“悲哀论词”。巴尔的摩说,艾滋病的复杂性意味着,与25年前科学家首次发
有心理问题的老年人时常会表现出健忘、失眠、心情焦虑等症状,这在旁人眼中就常常以为是“老糊涂”了。不及时治疗,就可能导致老年痴呆。来 Elderly people with psychologi