稍有音乐素养的人都知道,在弦乐器声音中,泛音间的频率不谐和,会导致音色的不柔和,严重时甚至可能刺耳。那么,悦耳动听的乐器声是否来自于泛音间频率的绝对谐和?回答是:否。稍有一点不谐和,不但不是多余的,而且是必需的。美国声学协会杂志34卷第6册749—746页中发表的哈维·弗莱彻(Harvey Fletcher)、依·唐奈·布莱克曼(E·Donnell Blackman)的研究结果证明:就钢琴的声音而论,泛音间频率稍存在不谐和这一点是很重要的。可是在缠绕弦中泛音偏离特别严重,有的甚至大于一个多半音(这通过频谱分析实验得出),与基频的严重不协和使弦乐器的音质变坏。原因在何处?阅读了下面这篇译文后将使大家明白;同时还可了解谐波偏移量的计算公式,使我们在改善弦乐器音质方面有了科学依据。
Slightly musical literate people know that in a stringed instrument sound, the frequency of harmonics is not harmonious, which can cause the sound not to be soft and may even be jarring in severe cases. So, is the sound of good-sounding instruments coming from the absolute harmonic of the inter-harmonic frequencies? A little disharmony is not only unnecessary but also necessary. The findings of Harvey Fletcher and E. Donnell Blackman published in the American Society of Acoustics, Volume 34, Vol. 6, pp. 749-746 demonstrate that in terms of the sound of the piano It is important to note that there is a slight disharmony between frequencies of harmonics. However, the overtone deviation is particularly serious in the winding string, and some are even more than one and a half semitones (experimentally derived from spectral analysis). The serious disharmony with the fundamental frequency deteriorates the sound quality of the stringed instrument. The reason why? Read the following translation will make you understand; also can understand the harmonic offset calculation formula, so that we have a scientific basis for improving the sound quality of stringed instruments.