Application of Machine Learning Methods in Arrival Time Picking of P Waves from Reservoir Earthquake

来源 :中国地震研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caoerduo
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Reservoir earthquake characteristics such as small magnitude and large quantity may result in low monitoring efficiency when using traditional methods. However, methods based on deep learning can discriminate the seismic phases of small earthquakes in a reservoir and ensure rapid processing of arrival time picking. The present study establishes a deep learning network model combining a convolutional neural network ( CNN) and recurrent neural network ( RNN) . The neural network training uses the waveforms of 60000 small earthquakes within a magnitude range of 0. 8-1. 2 recorded by 73 stations near the Dagangshan Reservoir in Sichuan Province as well as the data of the manually picked P-wave arrival time. The neural network automatically picks the P-wave arrival time, providing a strong constraint for small earthquake positioning. The model is shown to achieve an accuracy rate of 90. 7% in picking P waves of microseisms in the reservoir area, with a recall rate reaching 92. 6%and an error rate lower than 2%. The results indicate that the relevant network structure has high accuracy for picking the P-wave arrival times of small earthquakes, thus providing new technical measures for subsequent microseismic monitoring in the reservoir area.
张兆燕,山东省临邑县临邑镇前凡小学二年级语文教师兼班主任,小学一级教师。她在偏远乡村从事教育工作15年,“让每一位学生在我的课堂上都有所收获”是她成就事业的格言。  小学教师必须像老黄牛  作为一名普普通通的乡村女教师,她没有形形形色色的荣誉,也没有专家级的教学经验,她就是本着“让每位孩子在我的课堂上都有收获”原则,踏踏实实地走好每一步,让她的学生和她在一起过好每一天。朴实的她说着朴实的话,做着朴
杨姗姗毕业于武汉理工大学外国语学院英语语言文学专业,是一位研究生,但她选择到湖北省丹江口市习家店镇中学任教。这是一所农村学校,她的教学方法新颖、课堂精彩,她的“情景教学法”获得当地教育主管部门的充分肯定。她关爱学生,被学生称之为“最美乡村教师”。她说:我既然选定了农村学校任教,就将在这块沃土中生根、开花、结果……  决不做服输的逃兵  2011年,对杨姗姗来说是极不平凡的一年。当年5月,她毕业于武