目的:探讨感觉统合训练治疗孤独症儿童临床观察。方法对48例重度感觉统合失调的孤独症儿童进行感觉统合训练,观察6个月。于训练前后采用感觉统合测评问卷评定感觉统合失调程度,并观察临床疗效。结果本组孤独症儿童感觉统合失调主要表现为患儿运动发展时间明显落后于同龄儿童;感觉统合训练6个月末,22例(45.8%)患者疗效显著,复查结果为中度感觉统合失调,其余26例(54.2%)患儿在大肌肉协调及本体感方面取得了较好疗效;家长对训练效果很满意。结论感觉统合训练可改善孤独症儿童的感觉统合失调状况,进而改善他们的行为和学习能力。“,”Objective To explore the clinical effect of sensory integration training in autism children. Methods Sensory integration trainings were conducted in 48 autism children with severe sensory integra-tion dysfunction for 6 months.Degrees of sensory integration dysfunction were assessed using sensory in-tegration questionnaire before and after training and efficacies observed.Results The main manifestation of sensory integration dysfunction in the children was that their movement development time was signifi-cantly backward compared with children of the same age;at the end of 6 month training 22 children (45.8%)had an evident effect,rechecking result was moderate sensory integration dysfunction,other 26 ones had a better efficacy in big muscle coordination and sense of identity;parents were quite satisfied with the training effect.Conclusion Sensory integration training could improve sensory integration dysfunction and then their behaviors and learning ability.