将 70例妊娠 ( 1 6~ 2 4 )周有引产指针的孕妇随机分成两组 :实验组 30例 ,阴道置米索前例醇 1 0 0 μg;对照组 4 0例 ,羊膜腔内注射利凡诺 1 0 0 mg,用药前后行宫颈 Bishop评分 ,比较两组宫颈成熟度评分、引产有效率、产程长短、分娩情况及产后清宫率。结果表明 :末次用药 1 2 h内 ,实验组宫颈评分平均升高 ( 3.6± 1 .0 9)分 ,明显高于对照组 (平均升高 ( 2 .6± 1 .0 4 )分 ) ( P<0 .0 5) ;末次用药至正规宫缩时间 ,实验组为 ( 9.2 5± 4 .56) h,较对照组为 ( 36.4 2± 5.67) h,前者比后者明显缩短 ( P<0 .0 1 ) ;总产程 ,实验组为 ( 1 2 .50± 2 .0 6) h,对照组为( 42 .56± 5.4 2 ) h前者明显短于后者 ( P<0 .0 1 ) ;产后清宫率 ,实验组为 2 6.2 7% ,较对照组为 80 % ,前者比后者明显降低 ( P<0 .0 1 ) ;引产有效率、产后出血、软产道损伤两组间无显著性差异 ( P<0 .0 5)。
A total of 70 pregnant women with induced labor during the first trimester of pregnancy (16 ~ 24 weeks) were randomly divided into two groups: 30 in the experimental group and 100 in the vagina before misoprostol; 40 in the control group, and 71 in the amniotic cavity Connaught 100 mg, cervical Bishop score before and after treatment, compared the two groups of cervical maturity score, induction of labor efficiency, length of labor, delivery and postpartum rate of hysteroscopy. The results showed that in the last 12 days, the cervical score of the experimental group increased by an average of 3.6 ± 0.9 (P <0.05), which was significantly higher than that of the control group (mean increase of (2.6 ± 1.04)) (P <0.05). The time from the last administration to regular contractions was (9.25 ± 4.56) h in the experimental group and (36.42 ± 5.67) h in the experimental group, the former was shorter than the latter (P <0) .0 1). The total length of labor in experimental group was (12.5 ± 2.06) h in the experimental group and (42.56 ± 5.42) h in the control group was significantly shorter than the latter (P <0.01) ; Postpartum rate of hysteroscopy, experimental group was 6.27%, compared with 80% in the control group, the former was significantly lower than the latter (P <0.01); induction of labor efficiency, postpartum hemorrhage, soft birth canal injury between the two groups was not significant Sex differences (P <0.05).