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有关骨龄的研究,国内外已有不少报导。儿童青少年手、腕部X光片也被广泛用来衡量骨骼发育情况及机体成熟程度。国内1979年和1983年两次大规模的普查,为我国儿童青少年生长发育特征的研究积累了宝贵的全面资料。但是,对不同发育类型(早熟、平行发育、晚熟)儿童青少年生长发育特征的研究,未见报导。为此,我们中西南区部分师专共同协作,对各所在地区的城镇10—15岁儿童少年的手、腕骨发育情况和形态、机能身体素质指标进行了一次调查。目的是在骨龄评价的基础上,弄清我国10—15岁儿童少年三种不同发育类型的构成比自1979年以来的变化,了解我国儿童少年近10年生长发育的趋势,从而修正原有指标;同时也探讨三种发育类型儿童少年在形态、机能,特别是身体素质方面的特征,为儿童少年的培养工作提供理论依据。 本次研究的测试时间是1987年10—11月。 The study of bone age, there are many reports at home and abroad. Children and adolescents hand, wrist X-ray is also widely used to measure bone development and body maturity. The two large-scale censuses conducted in 1979 and 1983 in China have accumulated valuable and comprehensive information for the research on the growth and development of children and adolescents in our country. However, there is no report about the growth and development of children and adolescents with different developmental types (precocious, parallel development, late maturity). To this end, we part of the Central and Southwest Teachers Collaboration to work together in each region of the town of 10-15 year-old children’s hand, carpal bony development and morphology, physical fitness indicators were investigated. Based on the evaluation of bone age, the purpose of this study is to find out the changes of the proportions of three different developmental types of adolescents aged 10-15 years in our country since 1979, and to understand the trend of growth and development of children and adolescents in recent 10 years so as to correct the original indicators At the same time, the author also explored the characteristics of children’s juveniles of three developmental types in morphology, function and physical fitness in particular, and provided the theoretical basis for the training of children and adolescents. The test time for this study was October-November 1987.
1947年12月,我国古典文学专家,知名教授陶光,和一位在茶馆中清唱起家、艺名耐梅女士的地方戏女艺人,冲破世俗偏见,结为夫妇。在学术界和戏曲界中,都算得是一段佳话。 婚前一
世界上首位私人慈善家 在1993年到1995年年底的3年间,乔治·索罗斯这位匈牙利出生的亿万富翁所捐的钱在私人中位居世界第一。他是索罗斯基金会的领导人,这个基金会是世界上