编辑同志:我公司是外地来深圳承建工程的建筑公司,营业税及附加不知在哪里缴纳?另外,外地施工企业需要缴纳带征所得税吗? 湖南 刘小姐刘小姐:您好!来信收悉。对您提出的问题答复如下:根据《中华人民共和国营业税暂行
Edit comrades: Our company is a construction company to Shenzhen to undertake construction projects, business tax and additional I do not know where to pay? In addition, foreign construction companies need to pay with levy income tax? Miss Liu of Hunan Miss: Hello! The answers to your questions are as follows: According to "Provisional Business Tax of the People’s Republic of China