
来源 :中山大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wdq007
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广东省主要粮产区,多年以来,水稻经常遭受三化螟、稻飞虱、稻纵卷叶虫、粘虫等的严重危害。过去,主要依靠化学农药进行防治,对于减少虫害损失保证水稻丰产起了很大作用。但由于长期、单纯、大量地使用化学农药,害虫产生抗药性,因而用药量日益增多(大沙公社近十年农药使用量就增加约十倍。)农业成本不断提高,农药又大量杀伤害虫天敌,使害虫不同程度地失去了自然控制,从而导致一些害虫大量发生。且使用剧毒农药,对禽畜饲养事业很有妨碍(大沙公社原每 For many years, rice has been severely endangered by rice stem borers, planthoppers, rice leafrolls, armyworms and other major grain-producing areas in Guangdong Province. In the past, mainly rely on chemical pesticides for prevention and control, to reduce the loss of pests to ensure high-yielding rice has played a significant role. However, due to long-term, simple and extensive use of chemical pesticides, pests produce drug resistance, and thus increasing the amount of medication (Dasha commune in the past decade the use of pesticides increased about tenfold.) Increasing agricultural costs, pesticides and large pests natural enemies , So that pests to varying degrees, lost their natural control, resulting in a large number of pests. And the use of highly toxic pesticides, livestock business is very disturbing (Dasha commune each
防治效果 1.卵寄生率显著提高。田间释放一定量的赤眼蜂,卵寄生率迅速提高,同时随着单位面积内放蜂量的增加,卵寄生率也随之增加。据姜灶、兴仁及县农科所等单位的调查,每亩
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西宁市、各自治州人民政府,海东行署,省政府各委、办、厅、局: 为了加强税收征收管理、规范税收秩序和防范税收流失,按照国务院在全国范围内实施“金税”工程建设的统一部署
一、高粱蚜虫危害的严重性 高粱蚜(Aphis sacchari Zehn)是一种毁灭性害虫,在大发生年份,常造成巨大损失。据肇东、肇州、呼兰、兰西等4个县的调查,1949年因蚜虫危害高粱减
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