Purpose We report the immunopathology of progressive subretinal fibrosis, a va riant of sympathetic ophthalmia. Design Brief case report. Method Review of medi cal record and immunopathology of a chorioretinal biopsy of a 40 year old man who presented with left total retinal detachment (RD) following multiple vitrect omies in the right eye for RD. Small peripherally retinal holes, snow banks, and inflammatory nodules along the ora serrata were observed during left vitrectomy . Both eyes deteriorated rapidly to blindness with progressive subretinal fibros is and inflammation over 3 months, and the patient was unresponsive to systemic prednisolone and azathioprine. Result Immunopathology of the chorioretinal biops y of the right eye revealed aggregates of CD20+B cells, surrounded by CD3+T ce lls. CD68+macrophages were scattered throughout. Conclusion The rapid clinical course described in this case may be related to the unique immunopathology of ra pidly forming peudogerminal centers in the choroids and retina.
Purpose We report the immunopathology of progressive subretinal fibrosis, a va riant of sympathetic ophthalmia. Design Brief case report. Method Review of medi cal record and immunopathology of a chorioretinal biopsy of a 40 year old man who presented with left total retinal detachment (RD) following multiple vitrect omies in the right eye for RD. Small peripherally retinal holes, snow banks, and inflammatory nodules along the ora serrata were observed during left vitrectomy. Both eyes deteriorated rapidly to blindness with progressive subretinal fibros is and inflammation over 3 months, and the patient was unresponsive to systemic prednisolone and azathioprine. Result Immunopathology of the chorioretinal biops y of the right eye revealed aggregates of CD20 + B cells, surrounded by CD3 + T ce lls. CD68 + macrophages were scattered throughout. Conclusion The rapid clinical course described in this case may be related to the unique immunopathology of ra pidly forming peudogerminal centers in the choroids and retina.