第二届北方车展期间,笔者在天津自行车协会的陪同下走访了位于天津武清区的自行车名镇王庆坨,镇长苑若升先生接待了我们,并兴致勃勃地向我们介绍了当地自行车产业的发展状况。 王庆坨镇自行车行业起步于1994年,当时全镇只有几家家庭作坊式的自行车组装企业,根本没有零部件的生产企业。在各级政府的积极引导和大力支持下,王庆坨镇实现了一年一大步,迅速形成了规模优势。截止到2001年底,全镇自行车
During the second edition of the North Auto Show, the author visited the famous bicycle town of Wang Qingyu in Wuqing District of Tianjin accompanied by the Tianjin Bicycle Association. Mr. Yuan Ruosheng, the mayor received us, and introduced us to the local bicycle with great interest. The state of development of the industry. The town’s bicycle industry began in 1994. At that time, there were only a few family-owned bicycle assembly companies in the town, and there were no production companies for spare parts. With the active guidance and strong support from all levels of government, Wang Qingyi town has achieved a big step in one year and has quickly formed a scale advantage. By the end of 2001, the bicycle in the town